Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Recent Book Reads

I came across this book 'Say it with Charts' recently-I knew it wasnt exactly a powerpoint tutorial book. Written by Gene Zelazny, its a nice guide to visual communication. Especially valuable when the natural inclination is to stuff a slide with 'Too much text' [havent we all seen them? the slides we need to really squint to read coz its jammed with text?].

Am starting to dig into this one, seems interesting so far. It focuses on audience, right use of charts, and especially on what would be the WRONG chart to use. Will write a review once am done with it. Has anyone come across an interesting book recently? Let us know--its always good to share and discuss new reads.


Jason Isenberg said...

Besides the seemingly never-ending class reading that this quarter has been filled with, I plan on reading Influencer Marketing that Scott recommended in an earlier post. I'll let you my opinion...

Anonymous said...

A great book for people interested in high tech marketing is "Crossing the Chasm" with Geoffrey Moore. In this book Moore talks about the different components of the technology adoption life cycles and its dynamics. He talks about the cracks in the traditional high tech marketing model and he goes into detail about the chasm, the transition from the early adopters to the early majority, and how to fight this chasm.